Why baby classes are just as important for parents as they are for baby!

When we meet new parents in our classes they usually say that their reason for attending our classes is to either support their baby by providing relief through massage (baby massage and baby yoga) or it's to help their baby with their early learning and development (with movement, music and me, messy play or little explorers - on the move!) however, we also think that baby classes are just, if not more, as important for parents to experience as well as their baby and here's why.

Give you structure to your week and something to look forward to

When you have a baby the days can start to get very repetitive and start to feel the same. Going to a baby class gives a reason to leave the house, as well as adding structure to your week. In our Serene Baby classes we regularly hear parents say that our classes are their favourite part of their week, and that having something set and in the calendar helps them to get out and about for the day.

Can help combat loneliness

Pregnancy and having a baby can feel like a lonely and isolating time for some. A study by the British Red Cross found that more than 8 in 10 mums (83%) under the age of 30 have feelings of loneliness some of the time, while 43% said they feel lonely all of the time. Another survey found that 90% of new mums felt lonely since giving birth with over half (54%) feeling they had no friends.

Being at home with a baby is lonely, and although ultimately you are never alone, it can feel like you are the only person going through such a big life change.

When you go to a baby class you are giving yourself the opportunity to meet other new parents who are in the exact same position as you. You are in a group of other new parents, all going through the same experiences and ups and downs of early parenthood and nothing can beat that feeling of knowing you are NOT alone at all.

Gives you the opportunity to meet other new parents and form friendships

Although friendships can take a little while to build the shared experience of childbirth really does unite you with other mothers in a way that not much else can. Meeting new parents in a safe environment can lead to a really open environment and help you to establish friendships with others.

Allows for focused time with your baby

Going to a class with your baby allows you to have an hour of undistracted time with your baby. his time allows you to strengthen your bond with one another which is so special during first few months of having your baby. If you chose to massage your baby, when you massage your baby you both release the love hormone oxytocin helping you bond even further, you also bond with your baby through singing and sensory play.

Relax - Have a drink and a biscuit!

Sometimes it's just nice to go to class and have a lovely tea or coffee made for you with some yummy biscuits!

We hope that you enjoy going to a baby class with your baby, and get as much as much out of the class as your baby does.

We are Serene Baby massage and yoga, we offer baby classes in Bedfordshire (Wootton and Moggerhanger). Our luxury classes are absolutely loved by our parents and are voted 5* on Facebook and Trustpilot.


The benefits of our Serene Baby Spa experience.


6 Amazing Facts About Baby Massage.